Feature teams revisited: failure modes of feature teams

2 mins

In Feature teams are cheaper and faster I made a strong case for feature teams. After taking an Architecture with Agility masterclass hosted by Kevlin Henney I revised my view.

The arguments presented earlier are based on the failure mode of component teams: that delays can propagate through the organization and that consequently the need for management grows superlinearly.

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But feature teams are not a silver bullet. Feature teams have a failure mode, too. Feature teams might require a broad set of skills, which can be overwhelming and lead to low throughput or poor quality because a generalist can’t dedicate the same amount of time to a particular skill as a specialist.

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So it depends on your particular context whether a component team or a feature team makes more sense. The masterclass nicely demonstrated why it is crucial to design your organization "according to the need for communication" (Melvin Conway). Some organization design criteria could be:

Table 1. selection of criteria pro/contra feature teams
criterion favors

features require common skillset

feature team

features require broad skillset

component team

features require deep domain knowledge

feature team

features require deep component knowledge

component team

high need for communication about feature

feature team

high need for communication about skill

component team

faster business value delivery

feature team

higher code quality

component team

minimize WIP, handovers, and delays

feature team

This relativization should be considered when reading Ron Jeffries' book The Nature of Software Development, because he focuses on the strengths of feature team and the weaknesses of component teams, but doesn’t cover the full picture.